Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Student work sheet for Reading section

Subject : English language
Class/grade : XI
Time : 65 minutes

1.Alat dan bahan :
a.Alat : cartoon, board marker
b.Bahan : teks bacaan dan pertanyaan
2.Langkah-langkah kerja siswa
a.Siswa membentuk kelompok maksimal 5 orang.
b.Masing-masing kelompok menyiapkan kartoon dan boardmarker.
c.Bacalah dan pahami teks dengan saksama.
d.Jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks bacaan
e.Tulislah jawaban anda pada karton.
3.Masing-masing kelompok memaparkan hasil kerja.
4.Pemberian skor

Find out the analytical exposition text in library, magazine, article or other sources that you read.

Active reading. Read the following text and answer the question!
Natural resource : Sumber daya alam betterment : Perbaikan
Famous : terkenal Agriculture : Pertanian
Abroad : Luar negeri fertile soil : Tanah subur
Woods : Kayu Rattan : Rotan
Furniture : Prabot rumah tangga necessary : kebutuhan
Region : daerah corn : Jagung
Rice : Beras Vegetables : sayur-sayuran

The natural resource of Gorontalo province
I would like present to you some of Gorontalo potentials which makes gorontalo province is famous in Indonesia and even abroad.
Gorontalo has a forest that produces many kinds of resources. They are woods, rattan, and others things that is needed other province in Indonesia. The woods exports to Surabaya for furniture, and building necessary and we can find some furniture in gorontalo which made from rattan.
Gorontalo has fertile soil that suitable for agriculture. Many farmer plants Corn, rice, vegetable for keep their economy, and they sell them to the market. In addition others agriculture products export to other regions and also to abroad. Gorontalo exports more corn than other products.
It concludes that natural resource of Gorontalo especially forest and agriculture will give the big chance for society for doing business and betterment the economy.

1.What is the thesis of the text above?
2.Write down two points of argument that is supported the thesis
3.How did the writer elaborate his argument?
4.What is the purpose of writer in this text?

Good luck

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