Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Method was damped down By White Water

How do this therapy? While are You know that white water can cure disease by white water therapy. Previous question may will most papyrus of one any one that wants welakukan that therapy. By undertaking things which will be enlightened hereunder, making You won't ask again or previous question most answering have.

There is a few things which needs to be noticed deep white water therapy, which is:

1. One every morning sleep build ought to drinks really white water (or 7 x 180 cc = 1,25 liters) altogether liter drink really absolute contrived, since to clear 8 small intestine meters, to remove / undermine filth that clings on small intestine wall. Small intestine clearing to enable capillary adit that clings on small intestine pore absorbs nutrisi optimal ala.

2. Drink white water shall be done before spats gargle that precipitates at mouth in as nighted as a lot of contain enzyme and needful nature antibiotic body. So devours alone liur is healthy At preceding epoch, person cure eye by slavers while build get asleep, licking that new wound healing.

3. After drinks, rub and clears mouth, but doesn't eat or drink even whatever up to 45 later minutes.

4. Are Its better wait 45 minutes to eat after drink 7 hap waters. Fathom a meaning to give chance to puti's water to clear 8 small intestine meters. After new clear small intestine alimentary being let input for processed.

5. After 45 minutes then, You may eat and drink as always.

6. Fifteen breakfast afters minutes, or lunch, or dinner, don't eat or drink even whatever up to 2 later hours.

7. To is get old age or even that taking ill and gets drink 4 water glass at a swoop, can replace to drink water slightly beforehand and step by step

You will urinate 2 until 3 deep times one a long moment afterses, will normal be back. Analitically and experience, acknowledged following diseases get to be cured with this therapy in the period of:

Following list is total needed day for cure / control / reduces main disease:

1. High blood pressure, to cure it do but up to more or less 4 weeks (30 days).

2. Maag, to cure it does be damped down up to more or less 10 days.

3. Diabetes, to cure it does be damped down up to more or less 30 days.

4. Distress defecates / konstipasi, do be damped down up to more or less 10 days.

5. Cancer, doing therapy up to more or less 180 days.

6. Tuberculosis, its therapy is done up to more or less 90 days.

7. Constipation, its therapy is enough with 1 days only,

8. TBC is Lung, for healing can do therapy up to more or less 3 months,

9. Diabetes, do be damped down thereabouts 7 days,

10. Acid urat, adequately do therapy up to 2 days,

11. Suggested that patient saws ring / about joint and brake perform to be damped down it thrice one day, which is morning, noon, night one hour before eating up to one week, that cell is two-time one day until its disease gets over.

12. patient arthritis suggested to follow therapy upon, just 3 on first week, then week beginning both of and so on everyday.

This cure method not have side effect, but this cure performing You may will often little. It is better, if we continually drawn out this therapy make this procedure as activity of routine in our life. Water drink, and healthy regular and active.

To is fond water drink be chilled, this article maybe beneficent to You. Are delicate for potion are chilled after eating. Anyway, cold water will compact oil already You consume. la will slow digestion.

Really "filth" this reacts by acid, it will be broken down and absorbed by intestine faster than alimentary solid. la will stand in line deep large intestine. Quickly, this on the turn as lemakdan becomes cancer trigger. Are wonderful for mereguk sup warms or water even afters warming eat.

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